
"Little Talks" - Of Monsters And Men

Imma show you how proud I am
Remember back in the old days when people used to marry within their heritage to keep the bloodlines pure?  I guess you probably don't remember, because you'd be 700 years old now, and dead instead of reading this blog. Anyways, I like those days. I am annoyingly proud of my heritage (hey son, check out all of my foreign tattoos).  I am half Icelandic and half Ukranian.  Don't tell my Baba (Ukranian Grandma), but I might just be a little more proud to be Icelandic.  Come on, really though - even pierogi can't compete with Vikings!

There is nothing more gangster than Vikings, no saga more enchanting than Norse mythology, and nowhere as hauntingly beautiful as Iceland.  That being said, I feel like Iceland is misunderstood and misrepresented (like moi). The only significant media coverage Icelanders ever seem to get is for volcanoes erupting or the Country going bankrupt.  Besides epic glaciers and Huldufolk (Iceland's hidden people), Iceland is becoming known for their music festivals and homegrown talent.  Enter Of Monsters and Men, who gained their first success after winning The Icelandic Music Experiments: Musiktilraunir, a nationwide battle of the bands competition.
Iceland = Epic

My passion and interest in obscure and fantastic music is becoming increasingly more apparent to my friends, and I am so thrilled for your random texts suggesting songs I might be interested in.  The songs are my little treasures, just like you my elskans (my dears).

First thing I Googled - "What the hell does Of Monsters and Men stand for?" Through much creeping I found an article where the band explains, "We like looking up strange stories, stories about monsters and stuff. We're just kind of inspired by the whole weirdness of everything." Fair enough,  I'll take it.

Second thing I Googled - "What the hell is "Little Talks" about?" Now this search produced just over 1 million answers. It was amazing how people could interpret the same song in so many different ways.  From an abusive relationship, to someone going insane. A few people threw the possibility out there that the song might be referring to someone suffering from dementia.

Of Monsters and Men
My Amma (Icelandic Grandma)  suffered from dementia, and the more I read the lyrics the more that theme clicked with me.  I finally found an interview with the band who wrote that the story behind "Little Talks" is "about lovers that have gone away, It's basically about losing someone."  If you've ever known someone diagnosed with dementia the lyrics will speak to you a little bit, "There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back/I tell her that I miss our little talks", "I wish you'd disappear/All that's left is a ghost of you."  And this made me like the song even more, because it reminds me of my Amma now.  Not in a sad way, but in a nice way, like a hand on the shoulder.

What did you think of the song my little blog-bots?  How did you interpet it.


Sources:  http://mplayer.pastemagazine.com/issues/week-10/articles#article=/issues/week-10/articles/of-monsters-and-men-icelands-folk-pop-stars

Hey! Hey! Hey!
I don't like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I"ll walk with you my dear
The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes

Some days I can't even trust myself
It's killing me to see you this way

'Cause  though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Hey! Hey! Hey!
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
I tell her that I miss our little talks
Soon it will all be over, buired with our past
You used to play outside when you were young,
Full of life and full of love.

Some days I feel like I am wrong an I am right
Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear

'Cause  though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Don't listen to a word I say
They screams all sound the same

'Cause  though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

You're gone gone gone away
I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
Now we're torn torn torn apart
There's nothing we can do
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon

Now wait wait wait for me
Please hang around
I see you when I fall asleep

Don't listen to a word I say
They screams all sound the same

'Cause  though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore\

Don't listen to a word I say
They screams all sound the same

'Cause  though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore x 3

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